Arsem will do a short live performance entitled ‘Soon?,’ as part of the CuerpAs Internacional Festival’s program of Talks, Video-documentations and Live Online Performances, with female artists from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, Gabon, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Poland, USA . Special presentation of a durational performance by the legendary American artist, Linda Montano.
For more information and registration for the online events please go to
Waiting, waiting, waiting.
Waiting for the snow to begin falling, for the US elections to be done, to get through the winter, for the days to get longer, for spring to come, for a vaccine to be ready, for the pandemic to end. Waiting to be able to smell the breeze, to be close to people again, to see my family, to hug my sisters, to hold my new grand-niece, to visit my friends in their homes, to eat in a restaurant, to see a performance, to go to a concert, to travel, to be with my friends in other countries, to perform live.
I hope it will be soon, before I forget how to do all these things.